Ebony Bowden

Ebony Bowden is an award-winning journalist

Interviewing President Trump in the Oval Office, May 2020. Photo: David Butow

Interviewing President Trump in the Oval Office, May 2020. Photo: David Butow

Ebony Bowden is an award-winning REPORTER whose work has spanned multiple continents.

She has interviewed Oscar-winning actors, business leaders and the President of the United States, with her work taking her from the streets of Kuala Lumpur to the South African jungle and the Oval Office.

Ebony’s writing spans across politics, government, culture, technology and business, and her page-one reporting in both the United States and Australia has exposed executive misconduct and sparked nationwide headlines.

She won a Quill Award in 2018 for her investigative reporting on crime in Australia and a consumer affairs podcast she co-created for millennials, Hard Bargain, reached the top of the Australian iTunes chart.